Monday, January 5, 2009

New School Year

Ahh, the new school year is here! Mother tells me that I will get to go see my children again on Wednesday. Two whole days I must wait! I am not a very patient Czar, but time is not something I can hurry. The Sultan Sakeri thinks he will be the one going to the school, bah! No, I will not allow him or the little marshall of the house, Maverick, to go on the first time back at school this year. That is my job. Three whole weeks with out having back rubs and ear scritches, what am I to do?!

I must remember not to fault Mother for this. She has been taking care of the little princes and princesses of the house. My prince Thumper has not been feeling well, and dear Mother has been taking great care of him. I think that the vile enemy doing this to us is the evil Vet R. Narian. He is always poking my back with things and wanting to listen to me. Mother assures me that he is a doctor and that I must have this thing called "vaccines", and that the doctor must listen to my heart and lungs the same way he does the little prince and princesses.

Perhaps it is the evil tree rats that is doing this to us. Mother calls them "squirrels", but to us, they are no more than rooftop rodents and must be chased from the yard before they take over the estate! Tree rats and Hedgamahogs, doesn't she know they are the most evil things to a Borzoi! Perhaps this year I can finally get this through to her...

But I have hope with the kids that read to me. Perhaps they can understand what I must go through to protect them from the evils of the tree rats and Hedgamahogs.

For those not aware of what these vile Hedgamahogs look like, I will include a picture of this evil creature - be on the look out for them!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

(groaning) The Czarina Oksana and myself stayed up half the night waiting on "New Year" to arrive. The Baron Cyril and Duchess Tzatiyana were among our guest lists, along with the Saluki bedouins, Sultan Sakeri and Sultaness Kivah, as well as Shiek Daavii and Shiekah Mya. The court was filled with our children playing, with yips and yawls of my dearest nine and the Sultaness' ten. When finally my dearest put the last of the wee ones to slumber, we awaited, along with Mother, for the arrival of this guest who was coming, though I know I did not invite him.

New Year? Bah! Mother simply got up and hugged us all, greeted us to the New Year and went to bed! Am I missing something? Did the guest arrive and dissapear? How rude! None of my comrades would ever do such a thing! Not even mine own brother, The ArchDuke Dillion!

Mother assures me that good things are to come with the New Year, so we shall see. Yes, we shall see.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Impatience for school

Most children are happy about school being out right now. I, on the other hand, am not. I don't understand why we can't have year round school? That would mean that I get to go to school every week! Silly humans. I've been told that I have to wait until the new year. New year? Old year? What's a year to a hound? Hah! I do not have to wait for this new year! It should be making haste to come to ME! Does it not know who I am? ME? The Czar of this estate! It should be HONORED to be coming to ME!!
Perhaps I should send that mouthy Doberman to go look for it... though when you need a job done right, only a Borzoi can do it right. Perhaps I will let the Saluki go after this new year, though if I do, it would come back in shambles. At least they are good for something, besides yawling all the time... or keeping mother occupied. I must admit, I am worried about my comrade Tari, but he seems to be doing better. He has been very remorseful for his lack of intellect when it came to leaping over the fence.
School needs to be starting. My kids need me, I know it. They take turns to get the chance to be in my presense and read me stories to entertain me while I slumber. Occasionally they get bold enough to even stroke my red fur, which feels good.
This new year needs to come soon, or I will go searching for it and tell it a thing or two. I am ready to go back to school to be with my children!
Speaking of this bothersome new year... what is this thing called "leftovers"?? Surely mother could not mean the STEAK she is eating! She says I would not want it because it is "leftovers". (sigh) perhaps she is eating the potato, maybe that is a "left over". Steak though? Bah! She must be mistaken! I had to sit very close to her as she ate lunch today, to see this vile thing called a "left over". It smelled like a steak and baked potato... with a hint of sour cream, butter, salt, and pepper. It looked like a steak and something the birds would eat... or the Doberman. The Doberman eats everything and anything.
I liked my mouth clean from the smell and gave her the "look". Ah, we Borzoi know the "look". Its our secret hypnotic look. I inform her from that look that she is done testing these "leftovers" for any poison and time to serve me my lunch!
Ahh... it always works! Leftovers, bah!! It is some lowely word mother has created to hide the fact she was indeed eating STEAK!!!!!!! Now, that potato could be left over on that plate to give to the Doberman....

Must go add "Left over" to my dictionairy............

Left Over - noun - a word mother uses to hide the fact she is indeed eating good food.

Now I must make her go, it is time that she drive me to my spa visit at her place she calls "work". It high time that I get bathed and pampered and my manicure done before this thing called "New Year" arrives.